A personal account of my dealings with progressive multiple sclerosis. And my battle with trigeminal neuralgia and the brain surgery that stopped the pain!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trip to a Specialist

Monday a friend drove me to Nashville for an appointment with a Urologist who specializes in MS urinary issues.

Honestly I knew that most of my urinary problems weren't things that could be "cured". But I needed the opinion of a Specialist to confirm that the self treatment regime I'd been carrying out is acceptable for my condition. I wanted to know how to have the best quality of life that I can even with the problems MS causes me.

The local Urologist I'd seen .. the fellow who got me to begin self catheterizing seemed to give up on me. I felt that he felt my case was hopeless and had no solutions for me. My final visit with him was when he told me that all people with MS deal with fevers! NOT

So I'd been putting off going for well over a year. It is so much trouble to find a Dr. that is recommended and is covered by your insurance etc. I just dreaded it. And when feeling well.. it is the last thing I think of. Yet when I come down with a UTI and the problems associated with it, I know I should get some help- yet at those times I am too ill to deal with it.

I'd say that urinary problems are one of the biggest problems that my MS has caused me

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